Monday, September 12, 2005

Are we there yet?

Wow! Time sure flies. My daughter and I finally reconnected after a long disconnection. It feels good. Sometimes, you just need space. I think I was giving it to her, but maybe I'm fooling myself. Maybe I needed the space too. Anyway, enough. Time to heal. We both have to take care not to pick at the scab. There may be a small scar, but as time usually works its magic, that will fade too.

Family sure changes as the kids grow up. Sometimes it doesn't feel like family. I think you have to change your perspective. Its hard to know where you should stand to look at it. We only each get to be a father (or mother) once. The important thing is to keep looking at it. You might then get an idea where to stand for a better view.

Now its also time to take a wider look around. There are other things to see as life goes on. Always keep one eye out for family, but try to focus on the other aspects too.